Forbes | The Digital Healthcare Industry Is Making Strides Towards Better Post-Operative Care
What is rehabilitation after surgery? originally appeared on Quora: the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.
Answer by Nitin Goyal, MD, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Founder & CEO at Pulse Platform, on Quora.
After a surgical procedure, what happens?
The vast majority of the time, the surgeon hands the patient a few sheets of paper outlining basic care instructions. They chat with them for five to ten minutes about the recovery process, and then send them on their way. And should the patient have any questions, well, they can try to reach the doctor during office hours.
As a surgeon, I never understood why we do things this way.
Hacker Noon | 4 Growing Verticals for VR and AR in the Healthcare Industry
By Nitin Goyal, MD, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Founder & CEO at Pulse Platform. Originally published on Quora.
It was only a few years ago that virtual reality was still a sci-fi term. Maybe now you think of it as that headset your brother got for Christmas last year.
The truth is, VR has come a long way, and it’s constantly getting better. Virtual reality has evolved from your friend standing in the living room yelling, “Woah, I’m on a beach,” to having serious, real-world applications.
And many of the most exciting applications are in medicine. Doctors and patients alike are beginning to benefit from VR, and you yourself might end up using it at some point during a stay at the hospital.
Healthcare in America | Digital Health Is Far From Dead. If Anything, It’s Just Getting Started — Here’s Why
According to CNBC, since 2014, over $16 billion has been invested into 800+ digital health companies.
Unfortunately, the digital health space is far from flourishing. This article, in particular, highlights the various challenges digital health entrepreneurs have faced in overcoming healthcare’s longest standing obstacles — such as slow sales cycles, patient behavioral changes and engagement, and even governmental regulations with endless red tape.
Forbes | How Can The U.S. End Its Opioid Epidemic?
How can the U.S. solve its opioid epidemic? originally appeared on Quora: the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.
Answer by Nitin Goyal, MD, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Founder & CEO at Pulse Platform, on Quora.
Overdoses are now the leading cause of death for Americans under 50.
And much of this crisis has been fueled by opioid overdoses that include both heroin and prescription medications. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, over 33,000 people overdosed on opioids in 2015—15,000 of which were attributed to commonly prescribed opioids.
This is a serious problem for our country and our healthcare system. And while it’s getting attention at the national level, we’re still looking for ways to successfully combat it.
Hacker Noon | The Importance of Mobile UI Design
By Nitin Goyal, MD, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Founder & CEO at Pulse Platform. Originally published on Quora.
Ignoring the impact of user interface design is one of the biggest mistakes you can make.
I’ve seen so many apps that don’t focus on UI the way they should. The designs don’t consider problems from the consumer’s point of view or reflect the purpose of the apps.
They’re static. They aren’t evolving with the user or modifying as users change.
At Pulse, we focus heavily on UI design
Healthcare in America |3 Signs You’re Using An Untrustworthy Digital Health Tool
The market for digital health tools is finally starting to catch up to the demand.
Unfortunately, this increase can lead to a surge in unreliable tools.
Nearly half of consumers today are considered digital health adopters — and that number is only going to rise as the benefits become apparent and tech-savvy generations get older.
Forbes | Are Mobile Health Apps Good Sources Of Information?
Are mobile health apps reliable or just a 'bad doctor'? originally appeared on Quora: the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.
Answer by Nitin Goyal, MD, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Founder & CEO at Pulse Platform, on Quora
The market for digital health tools is finally starting to catch up to the demand. Unfortunately, this increase can lead to a surge in unreliable tools.
Nearly half of consumers today are considered digital health adopters—and that number is only going to rise as the benefits become apparent and tech-savvy generations get older.
Hacker Noon |The Future of Telemedicine
By Nitin Goyal, MD, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Founder & CEO at Pulse Platform. Originally published on Quora.
The delivery of remote healthcare services using technology is the simplest way to define telemedicine.
When you think about it, this shift to remote (or on-demand) service has already happened in most industries. Take banking, for example. The concept of walking down the street to a branch just to deposit a check at a brick and mortar store feels outdated, cumbersome, and unnecessary.
Healthcare in America | What Addicting Platforms Like Netflix Can Teach Us About Gamification In Digital Health
Have you ever promised yourself you were just going to watch two episodes of a show on Netflix?
How did that work out?
For some of you, maybe it went just fine. But I’m guessing many of you dragged yourselves to bed at 2 AM because you had to finish the season.
Staying up late to binge-watch your favorite shows is common nowadays.